Application assessments

All applications for small and medium sized embedded generators are assessed as follows:

  • if the embedded generator has a capacity of between 30kW and 5MW and is exempt by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) from the requirement to register as a generator in accordance with section 2.2.1(c) of the National Electricity Rules and guidelines issued by AEMO under that section, then you will be offered connection services under our model standing offer for a standard connection service. The specific provisions relating to embedded generation set out in Schedule 3 of that offer will apply to you
  • If the embedded generator has a capacity of between 5MW and 30MW, then we will offer you a negotiated connection service. For non-registered embedded generators 5MW and greater connecting under National Electricity Rules (Chapter 5A), the negotiated connection service will be largely based on a standard connection service. For non-registered embedded generators 5MW and greater connecting under Chapter 5 of the National Electricity Rules please refer to the Embedded Generators 5MW and greater connection service

For generation systems up to 1MW, a connection at low voltage is often possible with minimal technical analysis being required. Generators with capacities in the range 1 to 5MW however, would normally be connected at high voltage and larger generators connected at transmission voltages.

Your responsibilities

You may need to provide your own analysis of your generators capability and operational performance. You may also need to fund the network studies we’ll need to carry out in order to confirm the results of your analysis and your generators effects on our network and other connected customers.

The extent of analysis increases with generator capacity as do the connection requirements.

Register of completed embedded generation projects

From 1 December 2019, the details of your generator need to be entered into the AEMO’s Distributed Energy Resource (DER) register. Once your application has been approved by Endeavour Energy, your installer will be able to log onto the Register using the reference number quoted on your Permission to Connect letter issued by us.

Your installer has 20 business days after the connection of your generator to enter the relevant information. They should provide you a copy of the confirmation from the Register as proof that the information has been submitted.

More information regarding the DER register can be found in AEMO’s fact sheet Information for Installers in NSW.

This register lists the completed, non-registered embedded generator projects since 1 March 2015: Completed non-registered embedded generation projects

Need to know more?

If you have any questions regarding small and medium generator connection services, please complete an enquiry form and email it to Or speak to one of our Customer Service Representatives on 133 718.