Sussex Inlet Zone Substation Upgrade

Sussex InletOverview

The plans include:

  • constructing a new 11kV control building that will house new 11kV equipment
  • installing associated underground cable conduits
  • installing a new 11kV auxiliary padmount transformer
  • replacing 33kV support structures in transformer bunds
  • installing firewalls between transformer bays
  • demolishing and removing the existing 11kV busbar and associated switchgear
  • demolishing and removing the existing control building
  • constructing new pavements, retaining walls, gravel yard surfacing and security fencing
  • installing building and site stormwater drainage.

The need

The substation was established in 1968 and apart from some recently added assets, has been supplying the area for 50 years.

Some of the original power transformers are approaching their end of service life and over time some of structures within the substation have sustained corrosion damage caused by exposure to the coastal environment.

On the demand side, the number of customers in the area is also expected to increase as new residential developments are constructed.

The upgrade will address these issues and ensure an affordable, reliable and safe electricity supply for customers in the rural and coastal/holiday townships of Sussex Inlet, Swanhaven, Berrara, Wandandian and Bewong.

The location

Sussex Inlet map

Review of Environmental Factors

Endeavour Energy, as the determining authority, completed a draft Review of Environmental Factors (REF) under Part 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979.

The REF outlined project benefits, and the potential environmental impacts and mitigation measures to manage those impacts, should the project proceed.

Public submissions received were considered as part of the environmental assessment process.

The project was approved in July 2018.

The Notice of Determination and a subsequent amendment - both below - outline the approval of construction subject to several construction and environmental management criteria designed to mitigate the environmental impact of the project.

Notice of Determination

Notice Of Determination Amendment No 1 September 2019

Community correspondence

Stakeholders and residents will be notified of construction works, potential impacts and mitigation measures as per the Notice of Determination.

Project contact details

For further information or to make a submission please contact:
Ouerdia Kessal
Environmental Specialist
Endeavour Energy
D: (02) 9853 4135

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