Proposed Orchard Hills to Bringelly transmission line

We are proposing to construct a new 22km underground transmission feeder across the suburbs of Bringelly, Luddenham, Badgerys Creek and Orchard Hills in Greater Western Sydney.

Construction of the transmission feeder is proposed over seven different construction stages, which are the subject of separate approvals. The transmission feeder will be constructed entirely underground using a combination of under boring and trenching construction techniques.

As part of the proposal, Endeavour Energy will also construct a switching station in Orchard Hills. The switching station will provide a connection between underground transmission feeders and other local major substations. This development will include construction of a building to house the switching station and associated components.

The need

The proposal is required as part of our broader transmission supply strategy to meet the future electricity demand from critical infrastructure in the Western Sydney Growth Area. It will act as the backbone electricity supply for the Western Sydney Growth Area and is crucial in order to provide a stable and reliable source of electricity to new and critical infrastructure as well as a range of different customers.This includes the Western Sydney Aerotropolis, planned to be a high quality, liveable and accessible city supporting employment for over 200,000 people and the development of 100,000 homes.

Within the Western Sydney Aerotropolis, the proposal will supply electricity to the future Nancy-Bird Walton Airport (ie Western Sydney Airport), the Sydney Science Park and metro lines (which are the subject of separate assessments). Within the Sydney Science Park alone, the proposal will provide electricity to a range of important land uses, including residential, educational, commercial, research, retail and recreational land uses.

The proposal will also provide a stable and reliable supply of electricity to other future residences and businesses located within the Western Sydney Growth Area.


As shown in the map below, the transmission feeder will run across Bringelly, Luddenham, Badgerys Creek and Orchard Hills.

The transmission feeder route is mostly located within the existing road verges of The Northern Road, Adams Road, Luddenham Road, Patons Lane and Bakers Lane. A portion of the Stage 3B transmission feeder route is located on cleared residential land in Kemps Creek.

The northern end of the Stage 6 transmission feeder route is connected to the switching station, which is to be located at 221-227 Luddenham Road, Orchard Hills. The switching station is located on cleared land which is in the process of being subdivided. Land surrounding the switching station will comprise of commercial and industrial development once subdivided.

Further details of the location are provided in the draft Review of Environmental Factors (REF) below.

Review of Environmental Factors

As the Authorised Network Operator and proponent for this proposal, Endeavour Energy will undertake an assessment of the project in consideration of all environmental, technical, financial and community impacts. Under the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act), Endeavor Energy is the determining authority of the proposal.

In accordance with Part 5 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act , Endeavour Energy has prepared draft REFs which outline:

  • the proposal description and justification (including benefits and objectives)
  • an overview of the relevant legislative framework
  • consultation completed during the assessment phase
  • consideration of alternatives and
  • the environmental impact assessment and mitigation measures to be applied during construction and operation of the proposal.

Please see the draft REFs for the following stages of development:

Stakeholder input and feedback is an important part of the assessment process, including preparation of the draft REF. Following the consultation process, Endeavour Energy will consider any submissions and determine if the project is to proceed as planned and on what development conditions.

If approved, a Notice of Determination containing development consent conditions and authorising the construction works will be issued by Endeavour Energy for the development.

Community correspondence

Stakeholders and landowners located nearby to the proposal will be notified of construction works. In the event any electricity supply outages are required to facilitate the safe construction of the proposal, any impacted landowners will be notified in advance.

Any required planned electricity outages will be kept to a minimum and be as short as possible to safely facilitate the development.

Project contact details

For further information or to make a submission please email contact:

Mohammad Alam, Environmental Specialist
Endeavour Energy
P: 02 9583 6891