Feeder 940 Foundation Refurbishment

The project involved the refurbishment of the foundations of 25 existing transmission towers between Lawson and Marrangaroo (west of Lithgow) along a section of Feeder 940. The feeder traverses the Blue Mountains and travels through the Blue Mountains and Lithgow local government areas. The refurbishment works involved:

  • vegetation removal (where required)
  • excavation of each tower foundation to expose its structural elements
  • cleaning of the foundation
  • visual inspection to determine the condition of the footings
  • completion of refurbishment works
  • backfilling and rehabilitation of the area.

The project included upgrades of existing access tracks for access to each of the transmission towers.

The need

Refurbishing the tower footings ensures the transmission towers forming part of Feeder 904 remained safe and stable, maintaining the reliability of power supply on this section of the Endeavour Energy network.


The transmission feeder is located between Lawson and Marrangaroo, traversing the Blue Mountains and Lithgow Local Government Areas. Further details are provided in the Review of Environmental Factors (REF) below.

Feeder 940 Grillage Works Location

Figure 1. Location of proposal

Review of Environmental Factors

As the determining authority, Endeavour Energy, approved the project following a robust assessment to achieve the best balance of financial, technical, community and environmental considerations.

The proposed project was subject to a Review of Environmental Factors (REF) approval under Part 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979.

The REF included comprehensive assessments on relevant environmental aspects such as noise, visual amenity, flora, fauna, heritage and archaeology, traffic and bushfire risk associated with the proposed works. Endeavour Energy sought community feedback and considered all comments in the final REF.

Following this process, a Decision Statement was issued which approved the Feeder 940 Foundation Refurbishment subject to several construction and environmental management criteria.

Please see the Final REF for the proposal and Decision Statement here.

Further information

Email: environment@endeavourenergy.com.au

Please include the REF name Feeder 940 Foundation Refurbishment in the subject line of any enquiries.