Box Hill Zone Substation development


The key features of the proposal include:

  • establishing an outdoor 132/22kV zone substation including one 45MVA transformer and three portable buildings to accommodate the 22kV switchboard, protection & control equipment and amenities
  • installing protection, communication and control systems
  • installing a new 22kV/415V 315kVA auxiliary padmount transformer
  • ancillary works such as the installation of a control room as well as security and fire systems
  • associated distribution works as per the High Voltage Distribution Works Program.

Space will remain within the switchyard for the additional future transformers, 132kV feeder bays and portable buildings.

The need

The proposed Box Hill development area consists of three main precincts known as “Box Hill”, “Box Hill Industrial” and “Box Hill North” which form part of the NSW Government’s Greater North West Priority Growth Area (see Figure 1).

Areas such as parts of Rouse Hill, Box Hill and Marsden Park are expected to support housing growth over the next five years. With the continued investment in infrastructure delivery, most of the rezoned land in the North West Priority Growth Area will result in a steady pipeline of housing supply up to and beyond 2025, with a peak predicted around 2021 as more homes are built. Furthermore, Box Hill North will deliver approximately 4,000 new homes and a new town centre, hence the need to increase the capacity of the electricity network supplying the area.

The location

The proposed Box Hills Zone Substation is located at the corner of Valletta Drive and Triumph Road in The Gables within the Hills Local Government Area (LGA). The nearest town centres are Box Hill and Maraylya, which are approximately 5km west and 6km south west respectively from the project site and approximately 25km northwest of the Parramatta CBD.

Proposed Box Hill Zone Substation site

Review of environmental factors

This assessment details the environmental risks and identifies mitigating measures to be incorporated into the design, construction and operation of the proposed Box Hill Zone Substation HZS to minimise environmental impacts.

The works and operation of the zone substation are subject to the provisions of the Code of Practice for Authorised Network Operators (ANO), State Environmental Planning Policy(Infrastructure) 2007 (Infrastructure SEPP) and requires assessment and approval under Part 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

No significant environmental constraints to the proposal were identified by the assessment process required under Part 5 of the Act. Relative to this proposal, Endeavour Energy has concluded that there are no aspects of this proposal that have the potential to lead to, or result in, significant adverse impacts on the environment.

Community correspondence

Written submissions to a draft Review of Environmental Factors (REF) associated with the proposal will be received until Monday 10 September 2021.

The REF outlines project benefits, plus potential environmental impacts and mitigation measures to manage those impacts should the project proceed. All submissions will be considered as part of the project assessment process.

Further information

For further information or to make a submission please contact Clinton Jurd, Environmental Specialist,